Prior to your appointment to the Glendale Police Department, you are required to undergo and successfully pass a comprehensive background investigation. Part of this investigation includes the review of relevant documents. You must collect these documents before a background interview can be scheduled (college transcripts can be received at a later date).
Once you have collected all the relevant documents, please call Sergeant Sharon Kim at (818) 548-3117 or your assigned background investigator to schedule an interview appointment. After attending an interview with your assigned background investigator, take a polygraph test and undergo reference checks
Note: Please bring all relevant documents (originals & copies) with you to your background interview.
Do not mail them.
Disqualification Standards
No set of circumstances are ever the same.
No one item is necessarily a disqualifier.
No felony convictions.
Any combination of three (3) sustained moving violations or at fault collisions over the past three years from the time of application dependent on severity.
Any DUI conviction or any DUI plea agreement to a lesser charge within three years from the time of application.
No use or possession of any non-prescription opiate (includes Heroin), Cocaine, Amphetamine (includes Methamphetamine) or Ecstasy within the last five years from the time of application.
No use or possession of any hallucinogen (includes LSD, PCP, Ketamine) within the last 10 years from the time of application.
No use or possession of non-prescription steroids within five years from the time of application.
No conviction of any crime that prohibits possession or use of a firearm.
Any related issues not included in this list will be considered on a case-by-case basis.